Bhutan CD-ROM stamps for philatelists and other buyers

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Bhutan CD-ROM stamps
for philatelists and other buyers


Bhutan, always a leader in unusual postage stamps, released a playable CD-ROM postage stamp series in 2008, and followed it up with another series in 2009. These stamps included videos relating to Bhutan, in a kind of 21st century update of the kingdom’s infamous 1973 series of stamps that were playable phonograph records.

Collectors today buy both individual CD-ROM stamps, and complete sets, when available. There were first day covers of these Bhutanese CD-ROM stamps released as well.

Our current selection of these special CD-ROM stamps from Bhutan is listed in this section. Check the current listings and come back often to see the newest items — we update them daily. 

Bhutan CD-ROM stamps and postal collectibles for sale

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