German East Africa coins: Colonial collectibles

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German East Africa coins
Colonial collectibles

German East Africa was a colony of Germany that existed from 1885 to 1916. This colony (in German, Deutsch Ostafrika) was located in what is now modern-day Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi. One of the interesting things about this colony is its currency, the German East African rupie. Let’s take a closer look at the fascinating German East Africa coins.

The German East African rupie

The German East African rupie was the official currency of German East Africa. It was first introduced in 1890 and was used until 1916, when the colony was taken over by British forces. Coins were made of silver or bronze.

Design of the German East Africa coins

The design of German East African Rupie coins was influenced by German and African culture. On the front of the coins, you see the portrait of German Emperor Wilhelm II, who ruled from 1888 to 1918. On the back, you could see images of animals, plants, and people native to the colony. These images gave the coins a unique and exotic feel, making them highly sought after by colonial coin collectors today.

Gaza Strip rare coins for collectors and other buyers

Collecting German East African coins

Collecting German East Africa coins can be a fun and exciting hobby. They’re relatively rare but are considered to be an important part of the history of East Africa. If you’re interested in starting a collection, you can find German East Africa coins for sale online or at coin shows, and with some luck you’ll discover pieces in your budget.

There were also series of German East Africa banknotes, if you also are interested in collecting related paper money from the time and region. And see the section on German East Africa stamps. Whatever type of collection(s) you are interested in, there is much to be had from this controversial but unavoidable history of the African continent. 

German East Africa coins for sale

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