Anjouan rare stamps (Nzwani) for philatelists and other buyers

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Anjouan rare stamps (Nzwani)
for philatelists and other buyers

Anjouan is an island that makes up part of the Comoros, a collection of islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique, and next to Madagascar. For a brief time, Anjouan used stamps with overprinted inscriptions.

The earliest Anjouan stamps were Navigation and Commerce stamps used by several French colonies; such stamps in Anjouan had an overprint with ‘SULTANAT D’ANJOUAN’. Dating from 1892 until 1907, these Anjouan stamps came in a variety of values. For collectors today, the 45 centimes stamp is particularly valuable.

Other stamps used in Anjouan were similar, but were stamps with pre-printed values with a new value overprinted. There are examples of some of these in blocks of two, with only one overprinted; these are much more valuable than regular versions.

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Anjouan subsequently used the stamps of Madagascar, and then in 1950 began to use general Comorian stamps. 

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